召喚者 Summoner

創作年份 2020
Material: Metal frame, mobile phone, speakers, LED, electromagnetic wave receiving device
尺寸/ Measures: 180cm(H)、80cm(W)、30cm(D).
重量/ Weight: 25kg.


      Summoner is an installation artwork. The artist installed a pendulum device in the exhibition space, attached at end of the pendulum is an electromagnetic wave receiving device, and the pendulum will swing back and forth between two mobile phones. When the device senses the electromagnetic wave emitted by the mobile phone, it will amplify the sound of the electric wave.
      The artist wrote a customized program on the mobile phone, this program automatically connects to an online search engine, and displays the search results from the designated keywords on the phone screen in order, scanning the historical data that humans left on the internet. The keywords used in this exhibition are “ghost” and “god”, which is recognized by the people of Taiwan, and a small portion of the population relates the spiritual anomaly to electromagnetic energy. This work attempts to summon the different electromagnetic waves using consciousness that was left on the Internet by humans.
      The appearance of this artwork is also like an altar. In ancient when shaman held a ceremony, sometimes we will say they want to connect with god, spirit, or higher dimension. These two cell phones connect to a cloud database, just like a descending spiritual ceremony in the digital age.